Record & Play MIDI Input: Record from keyboards, drum pads, and controllers.

Channel settings have been integrated into the plugin wrapper (no more Channel settings pop-up) Send (can now send to any mixer track & vectorial UI).Automate most interface and all plug-in parameters by recording, drawing, spline-based automation curves, automation generators with formula-based control of links.Channel Settings are now integrated into the Wrapper.Vectorial User Interface – Fully reworked scalable UI that allows any screen size or resolution to be used 10 FX slots per track Pattern menu has moved from the channel rack to the toolbar menu and pattern selector.Improved layout with user configurable category tabs (name and icon).Default categories include Files, Plugins and Current Project providing key content at a glance.Channel options menu have moved from the toolbar menus to the channel rack.Synthesizer & Effect Plug-in Hosting: VST 32 & 64 bit, DX and FL Native formats.Playlist offers multiple drags and drops for audio files onto Playlist (from a Windows file browser).Envelope Controller (8 articulators, Mod X/Y envelopes & vectorial UI) Enhanced grouping and submix functions.Auto patcherizing of existing plugins & multi-touch support). Patcher (Plugins open outside patcher.Live Music Performance: Live music performance features including video effect visualization.Step-Sequencer: Step sequences are now interchangeable with piano rolls.Real-Time Audio Effects: Apply real-time audio effects including delay, reverb & filtering.Sequencing and Arranging: Sequence and arrange with pattern and linear workflows.Dedicated ‘Send’ channels have been replaced with general purpose send tracks and added to the overall track-pool.Lifetime updated for FL Studio 12 (Producer or Signature Bundle) license holders.Host in Other DAWs: Host in other DAWs as a VST or connected through ReWire Fruity Convolver new impulse library by Soundiron.The FL Studio Plugin scan tool now allows unlimited VST search locations and quick favoriting. Improved 32 & 64 Bit VST Plugin Support – The wrapper has been redesigned to improve stability and compatibility.